We provide value for the SACC-SF/SV Community through our recurring events, with both social and professional purposes. Check out below to see what’s next!


Events 2025

22 January 2025

European New Year's Celebration

15 January 2025

AI Strategy Exchange

15 January 2025

​​​​​​​Transatlantic Trade in Focus: The Impact of the New US Government

Events 2024

Finding Balance and wholeness in Life and Business

Leaving the US: 
Financial Planning Opportunities

StormGeo Networking Event

On February 27th 2024 we hosted a Networking event with StormGeo. 

StormGeo focuses on navigating tomorrow, today by empowering busniess decisions to safe guard the future. They are delivering weather intellegance and advanced analytics amid a changing climate, scaleble to your needs. 

During their visit to San Francisco, StormGeo wanted to meet innovative companies and explore potential collaborations. 

Big thank you to Maria Augutis, Staci Saint-Preux and Jonas Aas Torland for a great and insightful presentation.
We look forward to se what the future holds for SACC SF/SV and StormGeo due to the great potential here in the Bay Area. 

If you are interested in knowing more or a potential partnership with StormGeo send us an email and we will connect to to the right person.

Events 2023

Christmas Luncheon 2023

On December 15th 2023 we celebrated Christmas and Swedish Traditions with companies and professionals in the Swedish community here in the Bay Area. It was a lovely lunch with delicious food and drinks, heartwarming conversations, and fine-tuned Christmas songs!

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our annual Christmas Luncheon. It was lovely seeing you and we hope you had a good time. 

We would also like to express our gratitude to our fantastic sponsors for this event. Thanks to them our lottery was a great success with fantastic prices drawn to some lucky winners!


New Alchemy distilling, Norden Living, KostaBoda, Hästens, Minimal, Elisabeth´s flowers


On November 16th-17th, we organized the second edition of our Forest Innovation Summit, and it was a great success.  The two-day conference facilitated knowledge sharing between entrepreneurs, leaders, and organizations from the forest sector of Sweden and California. 

We had some great start-ups from both the US and Sweden pitching their innovative ideas, and the audience was engaged and curious. A big thanks to all the speakers and panelists who brought their insights and contributed to interesting discussions. In total, we had more than 50 speakers who shared their knowledge and perspectives!

Thank you all for attending, and a big thanks to all our sponsors for making this important event possible! 

The picture to the right is from Times Square, taken on the day of the summit, showcasing the logos of our partners and sponsors!


This year the Team went to Detroit in September for the annual SACC Summit. It was a great 2-day event with interesting speakers, panels, and sponsors, with an emphasis on the automobile industry. The Summit also included some enjoyable evening receptions where we got to socialize with other SACC members.

Representing our team were Mats, Viveka, Tilde,  and Lova. Thank you to the team of SACC-USA and SACC-Detroit for organizing this great event!


We had a great time in sunny Florida meeting up with all the regional chambers of the SACC network. Great speakers, panels, and sponsors, Volvo Cars, Securitas, and Joakim Ridderstråle to mention a few.

Representing our team were Mats, Adrian, Viveka, Erik, and Andreas. Thank you to the team of SACC-Florida for organizing this great event!

Events 2022


Our biggest event of the 2022 was a great success. The Forest Innovation Summit brought together the sharpest minds, entrepreneurs, and organizations from the forest sector of Sweden and California.

We had some great start-up companies pitching, and we´re excited to follow their journeys moving forward. We´d also like to thank all the speakers and panelists that attended and brought insights and knowledge.

Thank you all for attending, and a big thanks to all our sponsors for making this a possibility.

Lunch & Learning

Boosting the R&D and Innovation Cycle by AI
The R&D and innovation cycle is a typical time and money-intensive process that involves transforming capital into knowledge (R&D) and turning knowledge into capital (innovation) to re-invest in your R&D. Advances in AI have may allow this cycle to become more efficient and data-driven. 

In this event, HP Enterprise, VIA licensing, IPscreener, and VALUENEX shared some thoughts on using AI tools; from improving the ideation and review process to how to transform innovation knowledge into capital.

